2018 Americarna Cruise NZ Part 2: Classic Restos - Series 37
The 2018 Americarna Cruise continues on its 4-day journey on the North Island of New Zealand. Culminating with a Show N Shine and Park Up in New Plymouth where up to 900 classic American vehicles demonstrate the popularity of these cars among enthusiasts and the general motoring public. Fletch lets his camera do the talking with some great pictures of the cars touring and the New Plymouth Street Parade and Park Up. Four very proud owners tell the history of their piece of American automotive history and their love of their car. Mandy with a beautiful 1948 Plymouth Woody Wagon, Wayne with a modified 1967 Mustang Coup with an impressive US racing connection, Ken with a 1970 Camaro and Allan with a 1957 Chevy Bellair just 4 of the hundreds of beautifully presented American classics on display.