I have to agree with the anonymity of current cars; I often mistake a Commodore with a BMW when seen in profile, and then I think - so what! Like most of us of a certain age we have to look at the badges on the boot or logos on the wheels if beside them in traffic. If they have after-market alloys it could be anything. I grew up in a rural area in Victoria and my brother and I used to lie awake at night identifying cars by their sound. Before VWs graced the road, the most distinctive by far was one neighbour's Peugeot 203 - yes, he bought it in 1950 and it's absolute farting noise as it cannoned up his drive. Other distinctive sounds were from side valve Ford V8s and early Holdens. A Morris Minor or Major farting on the over-run through the gears is music to some. You could always identify a Wolseley behind you at night with its name up in lights on the grille, and Hillman's Super Minx had distinctive half moon parking lights above the headlights. On weird names, John192, this Kia in Vietnam takes the cake.
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