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Published on 03 August 2022

[quote B91B7460945A8END]So many women, so insecure! A mate of mine's experience taught me a lot about women & cars. He was a pretty good racing driver in his BT6 Brabham 1500 Cosworth. He would have been a lot better if he had a mechanic who could set his car up properly. He rolled the thing along the safety fence at Calder. Not a major accident really, but his wife said she would leave him if he didn't stop racing. He asked me to help nailing it back to together & drive it for him at the Sam Horden Trophy a Warwick Farm Gold star meeting, to prove it was fixed properly. I won the class, he sold the car so happy ever after. No way she left him 6 months later. Am I cynical to say there is no pleasing many women.[/quote] Maybe the above from Oakland County can help Hasbeen.... Or better still this one. (Click on pic to see the caption)