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Published on 07 May 2020

[quote W05N08VQ9M3EC35W][quote FAP43C1PKFEDU8BG]Did it really happen?[/quote] YES! Love the 59 Chevs. Over the top styling and so in your face. I'll have a Impala please with a tri power 348 [I don't think the 409 was available in 59] Interesting video to Google is a 59 Chev and a 2009 Impala having a offset frontal head on conducted by the Yanks Highway safety Board.[/quote] I'll second the great 59 Chev bearing in mind that there has been one in my possession for 31 years here in England.Mine is a 348/tripower car with a four speed manual it's great fun. Turns heads as it's hard to miss its presence. Sounds good too. This is it.