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Published on 14 December 2020

Love the LTD, admire the P5 but have never been able to afford one. Our NZ Government ‘Crown car’ examples were cream coloured. The photographs are of models that I have owned an currently own. 1987 FE, 105,000km which always will be my favourite model. 1994 DC V8 with 189,000km which was ‘CR1’ when new, the Prime minister’s (Jim Bolger) official chauffeured car in Wellington/Parliament which after 6 years ownership I sold in 2018. 2002 AU III LTD or DU as ofter referred as within parts industry, 133,000km. Would love a mint DL but have yet to find one or let alone keep one at this stage. Great article would have been nice to see more on the FE as in my opinion it was streets ahead of the ZL Fairlane and quite different trim level. Favourite FE colour combination would have to be Charcoal paint, Wedgewood (blue grey) interior 💎👌