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Published on 30 March 2018

Dr. John's estimate of '66 prices is close in my opinion, but for 40K you won't get a real good GT or GTA Fastback. At 40K you will get a Tin Top like mine, not a GT and not a fast-back, but RHD if you are lucky. Most of the Stangs I have seen in Unique Cars are LHD and you could pay 10K for a RHD conversion (depending on who does it) My advice is to MarkConnor is to contact the Mustang Car Club in your state, they will pretty much know the going rate for a '66. Plus there is one Queensland Club that organises their own conversions. Club details are listed in the last few pages of Unique Cars magazine. cj429's warning is wise too. I have seen evidence first hand of a buyer being conned into buying what appeared to be a very tidy coupe but in less than a year he discovered a huge hole appearing in the roof, which had been dummied up with cardboard and BOG and painted over. He said he could pass his kid's soccer ball through the hole ! I have seen this car, and rust appeared every where when he drove it regularly. ..........The shonky mob that sold the car to him also ripped me off for heaps with my previous Mustang, a 1967 Coupe. Photo Below is taken AFTER all of the problems were solved ! My mechanic took my '67 to restore it, and for a cask change-over I got "little Red", the pony car I own now.