Haven't got any pictures of the latest endeavour, but to go with the new head unit I decided to install a reversing camera since it has provision for one. This turned out to be a major faff. The camera itself is easy to install but the wiring was quite a struggle. The car only has one place at the rear where wires head out to the reverse sensors and number plate wires, and it's buried in one corner of the boot. My first attempt was a disaster. I ran the wire as far as I could near the real bumper (under the plastic one) only to realise there is a body extension that the wire needed to go under before it headed up to the proper entry for the wires. I had no intention of making a new hole either. Eventually I used a gearbox dipstick as a wire guide, taped the camera wires to that and fed it through the various holes on top of the inner bumper where the other wiring goes. It was a good 45 minutes of mucking around but worth it as the wires are safer there. Inside the boot, had to find the reversing light wiring (easy enough) but slightly complicated as the back lights are all controlled by the CAN bus. Once I had tapped into the reverse light I have power for the camera and also a working "reverse" signal for the head unit. Happily the camera kit comes with 5 metres of combined video/reverse signal wire. Unhappily you have to dismantle half the interior to run said cable with all the others to keep it neat. There is a wiring tray running the length of the drivers side which is where everything else goes, so the video/reverse cable is snugly in there and testing the reverse signal after installation showed it is working. This is now exiting under the dashboard although I am now worried there is not quite enough length to get to the plugs on the head unit. The big Chrysler is B-I-G and it might be hard to believe but 5 metres of cable is barely enough. The dash kit has arrived so I'm almost ready to swap everything over in the dashboard itself. Since the amps are already cabled this last part should be the easiest of the lot. Should be. Still haven't worked out how I am going to grab the parking brake signal - will require the dash to come apart under the steering wheel so I can find the switch.
Published on 02 November 2023
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