Hi fellow car enthusiasts :) We are The 1959-61 Ford Fairlane & Classic Cruisers Club of Aust. Inc and we are hoping to get the Car Community behind us for a Cancer Council Fundraiser that takes place in 2 weeks time in Casey/Cardinia. Any donation to our Team page is welcomed, to help us walk the marathon 24hrs and we'd really love to add you to our BANNER OF SPONSORS whether you are donating privately or through your Business. It's all tax deductible, all secure and you will be helping us to fight back against the disease that takes so much from so many people. Hope you can help us show over 1200 people at this 24hr event that Car Enthusiasts Rock !! http://vic.cancercouncilfundraising.org.au/TeamPage.aspx?teamID=58515&langPref=en-CA&Referrer=http%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2fl.php%3fu%3dhttp%3a%2f%2fvic.cancercouncilfundraising.org.au%2fpersonalPage.aspx%3fregistrationID%3d536755%2523.URja9LooFkE.facebook%26h%3daAQHl-8CM%26s%3d1
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