Further to the bit on hankering for a red Customline over a light grey Zephyr, we had that Mark 1 for about 4 years, until my mother rolled in it a spectacular way on the way into Hamilton in Victoria. She had a big jar of mulberry jam on the back parcel shelf (!) and a large slab of marble next to her and was taking it in to be cut for an outside table. It must have slipped and she tried to straighten it while getting into the gravel. It did a complete barrel roll, ending up on its wheels. One of our neighbours was following and saw the whole thing. Must have been a sight with bright red jam all over the back window. She got out covered in jam totally unscratched, the largest piece marble as big a small saucer. The windscreen bounced unbroken down the thin strip of bitumen. I digress……… the new Mark II Zephyr Wagon was just out, so in they went to trade what was left of the Mark 1. Faced with a choice of white with a red roof (too flash), two tone green (too like a taxi) or light grey, you can imagine what we ended up with…………...
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