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Published on 23 November 2021

Apart from the family '38 Chev and Mk I & Mk II Zephyrs, most cars rides were pretty unexciting. A plethora of Austin A40s, Ford Prefects and Hillman Minxes driven by an army of sensible aunts was the main fare. For a while one aunt drove a Sunbeam Talbot 80 - smart but pretty gutless as you would expect with 1185 cc hauling around a tonne and a quarter. I used to get taken to Sunday School in a tomato soup coloured Ford Anglia Tourer. The unusual was the Peugeot 203s followed by 403s owned by a neighbour who took us to school occasionally. Another neighbour had a Mark VII Jaguar, which I thought was fabulous, but they said there was nothing glamorous about arriving covered in dust, so it was traded in for a new FJ! Other neighbours had a '55 Customline which I thought was from the future with its backlit speedo. Living in the bush in those days with the nearest sealed roads about 90 kms away, no-one drove those corrugated roads at any speed, and when it was really wet, it was often navigating around the trees that got us out of trouble. All of these cars I was driven in, enough to know that I wanted to love the Jag, but really coveted the metallic blue Cusso.