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Published on 28 September 2019

Another day with the ET. A lot of family members came over to see and drive it. They have been looking forward to the vehicle arriving as much as I have. I told my wife it is as if we have had another baby! They were in awe at the silence and the rapid instant acceleration. It has been a thumbs up from everyone. Coupled with the test drives I took it on a highway drive at speeds between 80-100km/h. It cruises quietly and comfortably. I tried the Autopilot feature when I was relatively isolated on the road. It is quite good but unnerving as a new experience. It handles the curves well but tends to do it in a series of subtle 'bites' rather than one seamless tracking of the curve. I have noticed that although the vehicle accelerates very well from a standing start, rolling acceleration from about 30km/h is even more aggressive. Today I also took my Commodore out for a drive. One big thing that I have noticed from that is that ICE engines and drivelines are not at their best when cold whereas a Tesla drives as if it is always warmed up. This morning the monitor predicted a remaining range of 467km. I travelled around 72km today. I did try out the acceleration quite a bit, carried a few passengers and used the air conditioning as I normally would. I did not drive for economy. Tonight it is estimating that I have a range of 377km remaining. That is a deficit of 18km. The photo is a partial snapshot from the Tesla app. on my phone.