Hi PonyRider, a few but not all points, and I do not profess to be an authority on these things, but the video has little credibility to me. 1. From Tesla's figures, compared to those supplied by other OEMs, it takes 5 tonnes more CO2 to create a Tesla compared to an ICE vehicle, but it is more than made up for over the life of the vehicle. As electricity production and therefore EVs continue to become 'greener', ICE vehicle will not, and the gap will widen. 2. Running an EV on totally coal produced electricity(uncommon) produces less carbon dioxide than an ICE vehicle. Within the space of a few seconds the video contradicts itself. 3. Why is electronic waste likely to increase with EV proliferation? ICE cars have plenty of onboard computers. 4. The video contradicts itself on the quantity of lithium in a battery and water use required. 5. The amount of lithium available globally represents what? Certainly not the total amount of lithium estimated in the earth. 6. An ICE vehicle continues to require the mining and transport of its fuel. An EV has a reducing amount or even none. https://www.tesla.com/ns_videos/2022-tesla-impact-report-highlights.pdf
Published on 02 August 2023
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