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Published on 14 December 2018

Did I previously say 'all finished'?! yeah right. Griffin Bug needed a couple of panels resprayed in April '18, so I booked her in to a panel beater, Roger, and I started stripping the paint during the wait. Had to stop though because Roger had an absolute fit when he saw what I'd been doing. We looked over the car and decided a full outer respray was required, so I spent a day removing all external fittings; bumpers, running boards, beading, all light fittings and badges etc. In Griff went and a week later ta-da! It wasn't an expensive respray, although it took 4 coats of 2-pak to get a good covering of the right yellow finish. Then the fun started... 6 WEEKS putting everything back together and dealing with quite a bit of over-spray on window rubbers (left them on because apparently a nightmare to refit). 6 weeks you say? Well, every exterior light literally fell apart in my hands; funny how 55yo wiring disintegrates...So, countless trips to hardware store and spare parts postal deliveries. Next came bumpers, restored roof rack, running boards and beading (bolt by odd bolt and nuts in stupid unaligned holes, the joys of tinkering with previous owners in-competencies!). Wipers eventually fixed by mechanic, I gave up (image below shows what happened when I switched them on... ) Passionate? must be. All work done in an enclosed carport with a floodlight at night in Canberra's 0 degrees (3 layers of clothing, the concrete was freezing). The inside can wait until Summer 😬