The Brits tried out Diesel engined passenger cars in the early '50s, the first being a Standard Vanguard with a Fergie tractor engine. Apparently speed was never in their thinking but it was the extra price that killed it off. BMC offered a 1489 cc Diesel in the A60 Cambridge and Series VI Morris Oxford. Not the best conveyance for Ronnie Biggs to use as a fast get-away car, I remember freezing my bum off in a brand-new 1970 Oxford waiting for the glow-plug to go out before the car rumbled into life. Beloved of country cabbies in England, they apparently lasted forever as they belched their way about the countryside. I was re-aquainted with these beasts by a Diesel powered (!) Hindustan Ambassador cab which was a hand-me down Series III Oxford a couple of years ago in India. Perkins supplied Diesels to anyone who wanted to put one in a passenger car - the Russians shipped engineless Volgas to the Belgians who fiitted a Perkins and I seem to remember an article in an Australian magazine about a Mark II Ford Consul with a Perkins Diesel. Not for those in a hurry......
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