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Published on 28 April 2018

Muz I don't particularly like the Mustangs after 1970 either. The 1968-9 was the last of the good shapes, 1973 looked like a Falcon and a guy tried to sell me one once for $18,000 because his wife told him to get rid of it ! But even worse is the model that is used in the Charlie's Angels. The 1988 model used in "Jake and the Fat man" looks respectable enough, but doesn't project 'Mustang' in the image. My brother has one, but his is a bit more rare and has improvements over the stock '88. It's an '88 ASC McLaren Mustang Convertible. . I still prefer mine to it, even though it is a 5 litre injected motor, an auto with overdrive virtually giving 4 speeds. I have posted pics before but as a reminder I'll slot these in: