The Americans and sometimes the British did beautiful artwork in their car brochures, but in my opinion, some of the best in the world came from Australia. These images, as far as I know, are locally drawn, rather than photography, and run from the mid 1930s to the end of the '60s. Many of them reallyy capture the mood and optimism of Australia during the post-war period with beach and picnic scenes. The 1940 Dodge background has a uniquely Australian feel to it. One of the best commercial artists was Douglas Horman who did great work for Ford and Standard from just after WW2 through to about 1960, and then did the memorable HK Monaro used in the 1968 GMH Annual report. Sometimes he signed his full name, or DH and there is an Ivor Horman as well - I'm not sure if it was the same person. Rich Richardson in Sydney drew the impressive Wolseley 24/80 Mark II and Austin FJ Truck brochures for BMC. More to come.....
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