Still waiting for all the rest of the suspension parts. Some of it is taking a nice holiday in Honolulu. Took the opportunity to clean up my workshop that had been partially taken over by a pile of cardboard boxes. One of the big auto chains had a sale a while ago on their tool chests - the blue one was less than half price so I jumped on that and moved my tools out of the old red tool box into the blue one. All the other tools I had just loose fit nicely between the two boxes now although it's taken me a while to re-learn where I put everything. It also looked naked without stickers on it so I went a bit nuts on Ebay - I especially like the super-roo sticker (although I have never owned a V8 ford) and a couple on the top that you can't see (an Agip and an Alfa Romeo sticker, bit of a nod to my past vehicle shenanigans). Mr Fourex is an icon you just don't see much any more and the Waikato sticker a reminder of some travel I did over the last few years. Might get to re-welding the drivers side exhaust today, it's blowing slightly from my less than ideal welds. The welder is sitting on a nice new ebay welding cart now so hopefully a bit easier to move around.
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