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Published on 05 September 2018

I very much enjoyed watching this, informative and very knowledgeable indeed. I'm a Pom here in the UK and always loved the 105E, indeed my first car had to be one and a 1962 Deluxe was bought for 90 pounds in 1972. It took all the abuse a 17yo idiot could throw at it and always came back for more and never let me down. Anglia #5 lives in my garage with my 1959 Impala, it is probably the oldest 105E still on the road here as it was sold one week after the model was introduced and two days before my fifth birthday. I am only the third owner and the car is unrestored and has only 32,500 miles on the clock. It gets loads of smiles and waves from people and brings back happy memories for many people when they see it at shows. I love it to bits. Ford did keep the 100E going after the 105E's introduction, the Prefect got 105E running gear and became the 107E and the Popular kept the two door 100E body but continued with the 1172cc sidevalve, both were discontinued in 1962. @malt1952, the engine in your Savage Cortina would have been the Essex 3-litre V6 from the Zodiac Mk4 and not the Cologne V6. A friend had one and it was a sleeper as you say but sadly it was written off after he rolled it into a field when he hit some ice. They are very rare cars these days. My Anglia and the Impala.