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Published on 26 July 2017

I loved this article. It reminded me of when I owned a '74 Alfetta 1.8 Ltr twin cam. Just the balance of the car was a delight to drive. The throatyness of the engine sound and pure adrenaline pumping delight when driving up and down Mt Glorious and Mt Nebo's winding roads. The person who owned it before me had obviously done work on the engine because I was flat out getting 22 mpg. I owned a '76 HJ Kingswood 4.2 Ltr at the same time that I got 30 mpg out of. Now I also loved my Holden for various reasons but, this Alfetta was THE MOST FUN CAR I've ever owned. I digress slightly from the knowledge that the engine had been worked on. After having blown 2 head gaskets within about 6 months of each other, the first of which I replaced myself with a friend who is an Alfisti. The 2nd time I took the head to a machinist who pulled it apart to skim the head & make sure it was straight. When I got it back the machinist told me it had been ported and polished and had lumpy cams. I asked him to explain what he was talking about. He said I would probably have larger jets in the carbies too. Then the penny dropped as to why I had such pathetic fuel economy but I burn off a Nissan EXA Pulsar turbo from the lights. ( I do not endorse this kind of behaviour now that I'm a mature adult ). So Dr John Wright, thanks for the trip down memory lane.