My friends and family got sick of me constantly moaning about the pristine condition of the vintage cars in that Phryne Fisher Murder Mystery series, as well as wide white-walls on most cars. The other moan was that 1930s Standard in the Dr Blake series. So much so, I gave up on both series, much to relief of everyone around me. Some of these film companies get it so wrong - I remember years ago seeing an immaculate '37 Chev in a movie set in war-time Sydney, again with white walls. It just looked wrong. Look at any old photo or footage of Australian street scenes and you won't see white walls and over-polished cars. Another movie set in war-time showed a car getting to the end of the street and bright lights, indicating a right turn.... One Aussie movie that did get it right was Newsfront, made in the 1970s. Sunday Too Far Away (1975) also got it mostly right including this De Soto, if you ignore the one indicator on the front. American Graffiti showed us how to get the cars pretty well perfect as far as being period correct.
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