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Published on 09 June 2016

It's interesting to see how the opposition of any car maker sees another's product and Ford's Salesmens' Guide was no exception. Far too lengthy to detail here, but Ford were telling their sales staff that the XL 'Falcon's grille is quite distinctive with its bold, new forward-looking design. Holdens carry a grille that has much in common with Freeway' (What a back-handed compliment to BMC!) Ford talked about the vulnerable under tray, the stubby effect with very little front overhang compared to the XL and the clean low-swept lines of the Falcon against the boxy look of the EJ. They also alluded to the awkward look around the headlights and in a sense they were right. It is pretty messy on the EJ and only improved with the simpler bonnet and badging of the EH. The 1960 Oldsmobile may have been some sort of inspiration, but it didn't quite work when scaled down.