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Published on 24 January 2019

That is another one that can be blamed on my old mate, Max Stewart. He must have heard me complaining that I could not get the thing over 78 MPH down Conrod. That was about par for the Imp & Viva course. He didn't say anything, but must have stored the fact of my bitching the thing was too slow to even pick up a tow.. Coming out of Forrest elbow somewhere around mid race, this Triumph 2000 pulled in front of me & slowed down to my speed. Once I realised it was Max, I knew what was on, & pushed right up his bumper. He accelerated just fast enough for me to stay with him. This little game gave me an extra 29 MPH, & that headline in the Sydney Morning Herald, about an Imp doing 107 down Conrod. I often wondered how many young blokes rushed off & bought an Imp on the strength of that, & were very disappointed at their top speed. I reckon Max was one of the very best we ever produced. I had quite a few close dices with him, & you could trust Max to control his car to the inch. The Imp followed by Spenser Martin out of Murrays. Obviously we weren't pushing very hard.