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Published on 26 September 2022

Here’s a quick summary of the main features of the 2022 Australian National Show and Shine move to the streets of Euroa. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME, AND IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. THIS IS A TENTATIVE MAP ONLY, AND WILL BE UPDATED WITH FURTHER INFORMATION AS PLANNING PROGRESSES. - Main stage, Information booth, First Aid, 1920s fashion parade and History book sales will be located at the intersection of Kirkland Ave and Bury Street. - Area 5, consisting of children’s entertainment, Hawkei Army vehicle, speedway and race cars, tractors and the Euroa Miniature railway will remain in the park area, Bowling Green - Foy Street, alongside the hotel will have Historic Ambulances, SES display, Car Wrap display, RemoteMed and trucks. - Motor Cycles, the Lions Market and Police display will remain in Kirkland Ave, together with 1920s cars and several stalls that would normally be in the parks areas which have been closed. Now identified as Area 7. - Park Areas 1,2,3 and 4 will be closed to the public. Their locations have been transferred to some Euroa streets. - Euroa Streets now allocated to displays will be Binney Street (Areas 2,3 and 4); Brock Street (Area 4) and Bury Street (Areas 1 and 3). - There will be a total of eleven (11) entrance gates, with gate #10 giving access to Area 5.