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Published on 27 May 2024

[quote Q8QE0306KZN29H73]With exception of the Moke and the Citroen 2CV, this would have to one of the most basic no-frills interiors of all time. Without a heater or any sort of ventilation for that matter, it was a miserable place to be on a freezing winter's day. Not a touch-screen or cup-holder to be seen. It didn't have a temp gauge, but not many cars these days have them either.[/quote] Wow! Freeway, that Mini-Van interior is Basic with a capital B. Reminds of those miserable Holden Belmont government fleet-hacks my dad used to drive home from work on occasions in the early 1970s. I couldn't believe how spartan they were - and I was only a kid at the time!