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Published on 02 November 2021

These pieces came from GMH's publication 'Accelerator' which was sent out to their dealers and it covered their NASCO parts and accessories. They come from a war-time edition, around 1941. An Australian account I have read, involves a gas producer sitting in the boot of an Austin Ten. It consisted of a steel hopper with a s**** down lid, a poker, and a bag of charcoal. You tipped the charcoal into the hopper, poked it around before screwing the lid down, switched on a sucker, lit a fire under the hopper using petrol-impregnated rubber. The sucker drew the flame through the charcoal which burnt giving off gas, which was just enough to power the car. In 10 or 15 minutes the car would be ready to go. Not the thing for quick getaways.