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Published on 25 May 2022

Superb concept for discussion DavidB – this’ll get ‘em going! Two second attempts I can’t agree with you as being better come from the same company – Standard-Triumph. The 1947 beetle-backed Vanguard must have been a challenge for any restyling, but to me the Phase II was total amateur hour, resulting in an even uglier car than the one it replaced. The luggage capacity may have been bigger, but entry to the back seat was just as hard because they didn’t lengthen the wheelbase. The Soviet Union released details of the Pobeda, their first post-war car in 1945, getting it into production by the middle of 1946. It preceded the similarly styled Vanguard by about 12 months; the two cars having pronounced beetle-backs, with limited rear vision. The Russians handed it on to the Poles who then ‘did a Vanguard’ with possibly better looks than the original, but certainly better than the British hash-up. I loved the Mark I Triumph 2000 when it came out in 1963 with its roll-over frontal styling and long bonnet/short boot concept exemplified by the Mustang in ’64. The Mark II didn’t quite gell to me – the rear lights never matched the rest of the car and from some angles, the grille looks awkward. So for me, Worse and Worse. (The jury is still out on the Poles!)