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Published on 12 May 2022

It would be a shame not to have the Mach-E in right hand drive. The glimmer of hope is that it is also now produced in China. Sandy Munro, an automotive engineer who is quite pro-EV, produced an eye opening graph a year ago showing the amount of debt that car companies have. From a recent video, his his long term predictions for US market share places Tesla with 25%, the Chinese 30%, Ford and Toyota about an equal share(he was not specific here) and then there are the 'others'. In reference to the 'others', he said that you can measure intelligence but stupid is boundless. He quoted(in translation) Toyota CEO, Mr Akio Toyoda, as saying 'where their is arrogance their is opportunity'. Sandy Munro gave the impression that Toyota has deliberately downplayed their desire to produce electric vehicles as a commercial ploy. He did not bother to dissect a Honda e. The look on his face when it was mentioned said it all.