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Published on 27 December 2018

[quote]Muz your comments on 3-wheelers had me thinking (ouch) and I wondered what License you would need to own a Morgan 3-wheel for example ? . Last year I contemplating getting a bike and side-car, or a Trike, but rarity and cost was discouraging, and the thought of having to go and try to get a Motorcycle license turned me off. I mistook the three wheelers to be classed as 'cars'[/quote] it depends what state you are in ponyrider some states have a three wheel license, and some states skip some restrictions if you are over 30 yo,and some rural areas skip the safety course that they call mandatory, the can am 3 wheeler is stable ,fast, has 3 wheels in the correct place.and has consequently become quite popular and this one is eye candy with a sticker kit