Finally got a booking for blue slip on Thursday so I decided to abandon trying to sort the O2 sensor heater issue and just tidy up a few unfinished jobs. Largely this was replacing a pile of plastic clips holding on the front valence, tidying up some of my stereo wiring and replacing the nasty little front amplifier with a bigger one for the front speakers. Since the original amplifier is gone I had to find something that would fit in the space under the dash - this is a sub amp (the door speakers are apparently just for bass). The sound is still pretty nasty but there are a pile of settings on the amps that I am fiddling with trying to balance out the bass and treble. Other than that, it's ready for it's first outing. Can't see why it won't pass, it has no leaks, front suspension is brand new, no rips in the seats any more, 4 good tyres. I even replaced the brake pedal cover as that was worn. Picture is of the Kicker amp nestled where the factory one used to be, under the dash on the drivers side.
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