Return to trombonista's garage

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Published on 23 July 2015

I recently rediscovered the Drive In theatre at Blacktown. It's a great return to my younger days and the retro feel of the cafe is just great with really fair prices. Compared to the usual theatres, which charge enough for their "food" that you need a second mortgage or sell your first born child to pay for it, it's a wonderful way to spend an evening. The sound is great coming as it does through the FM radio in your car and of course you have seats that allow you to spread out and not worry about taking someone else's arm rest. OK, so it's not 3D or surround sound, but for a quarter of the cost of your usual theatres it makes great sense. I obviously won't talk about my experiences back in the day, a gentleman never tells, but I can say that I spent a great deal of time at the drive in in panel vans. The picture shows one of my "panel vans". Well not mine but the same. :)