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Published on 03 September 2021

Another great article thanks David. I bought a 71 in 2006 in the USA and imported it. They cost very little back then but their popularity is increasing of late. I know I'm biased but the 71 is the pick of the boattails in my opinion because they're a bit plainer with no rubber strips in the bumpers or side protection strip. And you gotta love those vents in the trunk lid. Contrary to what some people think it's very rare to see a rusted 71 trunk lid. When we did a back to bare metal respray on mine we found to our surprise that all the sheet metal for the trunk lid is zinc plated. Smart move. Lovely comfortable car to drive on long trips and quite economical considering their size. We've been to the Gold Coast twice, Melbourne and across the Nullabor to Perth. Here's some pictures of mine.