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Published on 12 March 2020

Hateleyron, the exciting EV action will be when the mainstream manufacturers can produce a budget electric car with a good range. I am guessing that the Koreans will be first. At the recent electric car show, I spoke to a firm specialising in chargers. A 22kw charger installed with marked bays, bollards, servicing two vehicles and with built in credit card facilities is about $10000. Well utilised, the owner could earn about $2000 per annum. This would be suitable at a shopping centre. A fast charger of 150kw would be around $40000 installed. As an aside, the Tesla Model Y is close to commencing deliveries in the USA. It has a beautiful glass roof, I think even better than the Model 3. The Y will complete Musk's whim in car naming, with the various models being S 3 X Y. The Model 3 was meant to be called Model E but Mercedes put an an end to that idea.