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Published on 15 January 2023

Young guy in the office where I worked bought a new one. Every weekend he loaded it up with his surf-board and girl-friend and headed down to the Gold Coast. Everyone thought it was so cool and apparently there were a few like-minded young people with the same idea. People wondered at the use of a Mini Moke, and look how successful they were, particularly with a bigger engine and wheels. The problem with the Mighty Boy was the small engine, which apparently wore out on my colleague's car because of the high speed motorway driving every weekend. In Queensland cars are registered on how many cylinders they have, three cylinders were treated by the authorities as a four, so no saving in rego there. Try and buy a used one now. Owners simply don't want to part with them and their values are pretty high. The last Japanese car display day I went to, there were a few of them, so they have become sought after and valued. One was a great hit at Cooly Rocks, parked amongst acres of American muscle cars...