Still a few areas down stream of me that are yet to peak, & now northern NSW is copping it. My river has gone down into it's normal channel now. At it's peak it was 450 meters into my place & the dam wall had disappeared. The fences are still there, but looking a bit wonky, it will be a week before we could get down onto the river flat, & my track. The house & sheds are about 80 meters above the river channel which is 25 meters deep, so not a worry. However the 30 year old Korean diesel on the irrigation pump on the dam is unlikely to be fixable this time. We would have fetched it, but after 260mm in 5 days there was no way a vehicle could have driven down there. The last 261mm on Sunday night was the final straw. We have had 2 years in the last 30 where our total annual rainfall was less than those 6 days. Water is still running out of the ground everywhere. Why is it that Shannons site is the only one that inverts my photos. The water was down almost 3 meters when i took the photos, & the little island is the top of my dam wall, which is about 3 meters high, it was pretty deep for a while.
Published on 01 March 2022
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