Return to janbies' garage

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Published on 13 January 2021

Hi guys, my name is Jan Bies,I live in the Netherlands, I was born in 1955. So in 1973 I was 18 years old and went with a friend to the Motorrai in Amsterdam. And there it was: The Kawasaki Z1. That day I did not see any other motorbike. And actually I still don't. But what can an 18 year old pay for such a beauty? I could not. A few years later, it was 1978 I had enough money for a used Z1. I was heaven for me. In those late seventies, early eighties, some Z-owners changed their Zed 1 bikes for Suzuki's Yamaha's or whatever and the old Zeds became cheaper. So I worked my a** off and after 10 years of gathering these beauties I had a real collection. I kept these for several years untill our leaders decided there should be (more) women in the government. I forgot the ladies name but not what she decided: To pay for every Motorbike or car you had, even if you not drove it!!!! For every bike I had I should pay f50 each year. And I had 30 Kawasaki's by then, so I had to pay f1500 only for having them in my own barn. So I got really mad and sold them all; actually I gave them away about 20 years ago now. The morality of this story: do not vote for women in your government; they do not have a single idea about loving (or putting all their energy in) old bikes or cars. OK, women are nice, but not as a minister of transport. Here some pictures of the collection. All gone by now, what is left are memories and pictures. Here some pictures...