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Published on 14 May 2019

I just think Leyland Australia always went about things the wrong way. Like, why on earth did it commit to developing a new family-sized model (P76) from scratch, with a development budget that was clearly way too small for such a huge project, when it could have plugged into the Rover SD1 program instead? That car was also on the BL drawing boards at around the same time and would have cost the Aussies far less to refine it for the Australian market than developing a brand new car. And can you imagine how fresh and futuristic an SD1 (perhaps badged here as a Leyland) would have looked compared to our local Ford, Holden and Valiant family car offerings in the mid-1970s? I've read quite a lot about this aborted smaller car, but judging by the numerous mistakes made during development of the P76 I fear Leyland Australia would have done the same with the P82.