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Published on 31 March 2022

[quote RBK9D67ZS5121DF9]My first disappointment with a new car launch was the much hyped (UK) Austin Maxi (sort of related to the Aus built Nomad but a completely different car). Proudly trumpeted as having 5 doors and 5 gears but the specimen in our local dealers only had 3 of each working at any time. The salesman's attempts to demonstrate the virtues of a hatchback to his potential customers was thwarted by the latch refusing to release fully, not helped by the rear offside door not latching shut. Although not quite old enough to drive the driving position was that of a bus and the gear lever was a distant cousin to the gear box with infrequent contact. Perhaps the ultimate testament to its disappointment is the "least stolen" (by quite a margin) title - not because of any particular thief proofing, my friend's father could use his key to open and start the neighbour's example! With sales at about 25% of the (modest) forecast one can conclude this was yet another dud in a series of product planning failures which characterised BMC/BL senior management to the immense frustration of some talented staff at lower levels. [/quote] One of the most useful and most underrated cars I've ever owned. I miss it, and it's still appreciated by its current owner.