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Published on 18 October 2023

I like a mixture of both. I appreciate the (finally- I didn't think I'd live long enough to see it) 4 lanes Brisbane to Sydney, and equally I like 'two lane blacktop' country roads. Coming from New Guinea to the UK in 1971,I wanted Dad to take the Motorways, rather than the country roads. The motorways were a novelty to me, as I was used to PNG's dirt roads. On a USA road trip (best ever- nothing but me and a rented Chevrolet and planes/cars/ warships/ tanks/ airports/ USAF bases) I got tired of Interstates and turnpikes so took some of Rt 66. Here's a small sample of the delights of getting off the freeways. On the other hand an earlier solo trip saw me driving 700 miles in a day, still getting to my destination in daylight, with time for a 3 hour tour of a battleship on the way. Horay for for the Interstates that day. On that same 1992 trip, I'd stopped to fill the rental Oldsmobile at a bar/gas station. Two lane black top, somewhere in Texas. The bar/servo owner's must have dog wanted out, as I came back to the car, to find the hound in the passenger's seat, awaiting a drive.