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Published on 11 August 2018

You've seen them around. Many of us remember them from our childhood. Grandad had one, or we knew where an old car was rusting away behind a shed. Veteran, Vintage and Classics cars...... These older cars are part of our motoring heritage. All our cars have been lovingly restored, bringing them back to their original condition or better. Through the efforts of their owners, these cars remain a part of this heritage. Brisbane Vintage Auto Club is dedicated to restoring and caring for our motoring history. Without people to restore and maintain these cars, this motoring history would be lost forever. BVAC is an inexpensive, friendly, family club catering exclusively for Veteran, Vintage, post-Vintage and classic vehicles built up to 1969. We promote the restoration to original condition and also the use and exhibition of Veteran, Vintage & Post Vintage vehicles by members in competition and social activities. We assist members to locate, restore and maintain their vehicles. We have a library to assist members in obtaining information relating to their vehicles. We co-operate with other clubs & associations with similar aims. We have all our events listed on our website and Facebook page