Return to Hasbeen's garage

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Published on 05 September 2020

Spent a couple of days this weekpatching up the old tunnel green house shed, that used to house the cars. It did sterling duty for 15 years, until a big branch driven by about 70/80 MPH, yes miles nor kilometers, hit it in our January gale. No 1 daughter& her husband came over today to help finish reinforcing the patch up work. We have now bent up some new frames, & spliced some old ones. It should stand for a year or two until we can finish renewing the whole frame. A couple of photos of the mess after the gale. Only cosmetic damage to the TR8, but we couldn't move it with out a lot of work, as frames were leaning on it, & we braced them off the car, but couldn't move it without help without damage. Just as well I was a better car driver than computer driver.