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Published on 28 September 2023

[quote RQDROB10Z6H1FC11]the Jeep is famous for being retro[/quote] The Wrangler / whatever it's called now is pretty retro, but the big Grand Cherokee was definitely modern on release. Pity they are such awful second hand buys due to build / quality issues. Bit of a shame they never really properly replaced the XJ - such a great little 4wd. The follow up cherokee (liberty) was ugly / awful in it's neo-retro look and replacing the evergreen 4.0l with the 3.7l Chrysler engine was a step backwards in reliability. Liberty was essentially a terrible restyle and one of the worst of the neo-retro styling exercises. The side view was especially bad. The ZJ was such a handsome car and thoroughly modern - meant to be the XJ replacement but never quite got there. We had one - plagued with electrical issues and Chrysler quality problems it was still a fine vehicle when it was running. The Liberty I briefly owned was an unmitigated disaster, which ended with an unfixable engine knock in a car that was worth more as parts than a running vehicle. Ugh.