Charity Drive Day - Phillip Island May Event Wrap
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Charity Drive Day - Phillip Island May Event Wrap

By Shannons - 07 June 2021
Charity Drive Day

Photos: Ernesto Arriagada & Nathan Stirling

After 18 months off the track, it was great to be back at Phillip Island supporting the Charity Drive Day May Event. Held on the 3rd and 4th of May, it was their biggest event to date, with over 350 attendants over the two days, having fun and raising much-needed funds for their beneficiaries.

Charity Drive Days is a registered Charity Association run by car enthusiasts that want to make a difference. Organising track days and social events throughout the year, enabling enthusiasts the opportunity to drive their cars in a controlled environment on Australia's best racing circuits, all while raising funds for people in need.

This year Zagame Automotive took charge as the major sponsor for the first time and filled pit lane with a superb lineup of fast, sleek and exotic vehicles.

The Shannons Skid Pan was a huge hit, especially when the track sessions were interrupted by intermittent showers. It was the perfect opportunity for drivers to test their skills - finding the limits and the slide characteristics of their vehicles with the help of instructors from the team at Evolve Driving.

A highlight of the event was the attendance of the Year 7 kids from Melbourne Indigenous Transition School (MITS). MITS is for Indigenous students from remote areas of the Northern Territory and Victoria. They spend Year 7 at MITS in Richmond to help with the transition from remote schooling to mainstream schooling.

The kids had a unique and priceless experience on the Shannons Skid Pan before spending the afternoon at the Go-Karts. It was rewarding for both the MITS kids, sponsors and participants to see some of the positive outcomes for what the Charity Drive Day does first hand.

The event is not all about the track sessions, there was also a Go-Kart Championship that took place each day. Seeing more spirited competition as drivers got to rub wheels with each other on the 750m replica Phillip Island Circuit.

Shannons also supplied automotive memorabilia that was auctioned over lunch and dinner, with all proceeds going to Charity Drive Days.

The Charity Drive Days team also presented Sue Parkes, the Director of The Cabrini Foundation, with a cheque for $118,175. These funds were raised in 2020 during Greg LaManna's Head Shave for Brain Cancer fundraiser, inspired by long-time Charity Drive Days supporter Mirko Angele. These funds will support Cabrini's Dr Freilich's Neuro-oncology research and vital nursing home visits for patients.

Aaron Lee, Nick Argyrou, Sue Parkers, Greg LaManna, Cameron Smith

A fun-packed 48 hours also saw the 270 participants dining at Pino's. As usual, the Pino family impressed us with great food, service and generosity.

The venue for this year's Charity Drive Day was the Phillip Island Circuit. The amazing world-class circuit delighted the motoring passion in 150+ drivers, and the staff kept us all safe.

It was great to see the event back in action and allowing Shannons to support such a worthy cause, and we are thankful to all the participants for making this event the biggest yet.

Charity Drive Days are back at Phillip Island on the 30th of September and the 1st of October. For more information, please keep an eye on upcoming events -