2021 Shannons Club Online Show & Shine Competition

The annual Shannons Club Online Show and Shine Competition is here! With up to $34,500 in cash prizes to be won.
The Show and Shine competition gives you the opportunity to show-off your pride and joy by entering the best photos of your vehicle for your chance to win. And if you win, your motoring club could win too! Just nominate your motoring club when you enter*.
Shannons will be awarding the prestigious 'Best in Show' winner and the Category winners for American, European, Asian, British, Australian and Bike.

PLUS, something new. Shannons have invited three special guest judges to join the Show and Shine. Marty and Moog from Mighty Car Mods, Fletch from Classic Restos and Mark Hawwa, founder of the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. Each guest judge will be awarding their own winner from the entries.

It's time to get the polish out and get your car or bike gleaming. Remember, the Shannons judges will be looking at your vehicle's appearance (including cleanliness, shine, condition and presentation) of the exterior, interior, engine and wheels, along with the creativity, effort and pride displayed in the photos submitted.
So, get your photos together and enter now.
Competition conducted by Shannons Pty Limited, of Level 28, Brisbane Square, 266 George Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000. Competition commences at 9am on 21/5/21 and closes at 5pm on 2/7/21 (Melbourne time). The Competition is only open to individuals who are Australian residents aged 18 years or older at time of entry. It is a condition of entry that Eligible Entrants consent to receive marketing communications from the Promoter and its related companies that use the Shannons brand, and do not opt out during the Entry Period. *To be eligible for the Motoring Club element of the prizes the Eligible Entrant must nominate an official registered club. Total prize pool valued at up to $34,500 AUD (dependent on if prize winners nominated a Motoring Club in their entry).