Demand continues for black and white numerical number plates
- Rare double-digit early Victorian plate ‘14’ for sale after one family ownership for 25 years
- Great opportunity to purchase consecutive four-digit early Victorian numbers
- ‘Lucky’ plate ’88.388’ could make $200,000

The seemingly insatiable demand by enthusiasts for Australian black and white numerical number plates is expected to ramp up at Shannons upcoming Timed, Online Autumn Action from May 17-24, when 16 desirable Victorian and Queensland plates come on the market.
The greatest bidding competition is expected to be for the super-rare Victorian Heritage plate ‘14’, which is expected to be the best selling lot of the auction, attracting potential record bids in the $1.6 million to $2.2 million range.
The number ‘14’ – one of just 90 Victorian original double-digit plates black and white numerical plates released early last century – last came to market 24 years ago when it was sold to the vendor’s family at the 1998 Shannons Melbourne Motor Show Auction.
Early-issue Australian number plates have an enviable track record at Shannons auctions for attracting serious investors, with Shannons for many years being the preferred platform of Victoria’s VicRoads and Services New South for releasing collector plates.

Four low-digit Queensland plates – ‘Q156’, ‘Q226’, ‘Q410’ and ‘Q630’ – are on offer, with ‘Q156’ expected to sell in the $150,000-$200,000 range and the other three likely to attract bids in from $100,000-$150,000.

While VIC ‘14’ is the star attraction of the 13 Victorian plates on offer, ‘690’ is also expected to attract solid bidding in the $280,000-$360,000 range, while the top-tier four-digit ‘1003’ and ‘1004’ – both offered with ‘no reserve’ – offer a unique opportunity for families and businesses to have sequential numbers on their vehicles. Each is expected to attract bids from $100,000 - $200,000.
However both could be eclipsed by the ‘birthday’ number ‘2012’– an ideal present and investment for a child or grandchild – that is also predicted to sell in the same price range.
Two other Victorian four-digit plates ‘6.969’ and ‘3.222’ also have guiding ranges of $100,000-$200,000.

Another Victorian number plate expected to draw many bids from the Asian enthusiast community is the ‘lucky’ five-digit ’88.388’. It and the numerically-attractive ’34.567’ are each expected to sell in the $50,000-$100,000 range.
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