In 2012 Following a horrific injury at work, I needed a project to pass the time. Being one of those people who was very active, being bound by a wheelchair and crutches was hardly suiting. So work began and you would be very surprised what gets done with half of the bodies appendages out of order. It was a small project that is now a permanent fixture of the front carport.
I purchased what was described as a 'good' Land-Rover near roadworthy conditions. Which later turned out to be the most intensive restoration project in history, as near nothing has been left untouched! Absolutely everything was taken off, cleaned, restored, and put back on.
In 2012, work was the bodywork and much-needed upgrades, like break shoes and most running gear.
In 2013, it was discovered after all the work that the gearbox was gone, the front diff was totaled, and the engine needed a new block! In true Land-Rover fashion, you could still drive it and it started first go most times.
In 2014-2015, an online fundraising / crowd-raising campaign bought the remainder of the parts to finish the job. However, progress was very slow due to work and University commitments. Also due to persistent medical problems, much work was abandoned for the winter months in icy conditions.
Now in 2016, work is being done to fit the rebuilt gearbox and it is set to be back on the road by the end of the year with a set of new tyres.
This car since is has become the favorite of the family, even though it does not run.
Bull Bar
Alternator Conversion
Custom Interior
Klaxon Horn
Fabric Upholstery