Commenced my racing on this bike. Competed in the last Castrol 6 Hour 1989 at Oran Park 21st Outright and 10th in class with Charlton Paris as co-rider. I had had been racing for 6 months when I entered the Castrol 6 Hour. Upgraded to Formula 1 I did well in the Arai 500 riding solo and finished 8th outright which included 20 min delay due to gear lever linkage failure.
Was a great bike reliability wise but quickly outdated by the GSXR750F. At Bathurst finished top 10 Motorline1000 in the wet. See photo.
As a Formula 1 bike had Astralite Wheels 17" (was the new size to use)
Tingate 4-2-1 exhaust,
all non essential production parts removed
Kawasaki Race Kit installed.