I suppose I better tell you how it all started. I’ve been a massive fan of old cars ever since I could remember, I cant say exactly what kicked it off just that they have always fascinated me. I was born in 1980, a time where sealed beam headlights were fast becoming a thing of the past. Carburetors were being replaced with fuel injection and car styling along with general fashion hit an all time low. As my parents were living in south east Queensland, Australia they were miles from anywhere including the Hospital. I was almost delivered in the back of Dads Holden HR Premier a legend of Australian automotive history… yet far from being a suitable birthing suite. As I grew older many cars that my parents had came and went... Nissan/Datsun Bluebird, XB Ford Panel Van, XC Ford Fairlmont, ZH Ford Fairlane for some reason Mum bought a second hand Volvo 264 off our Uncle …. he bought a Saab 900 turbo which burnt to a crisp in a shopping center car park …thank you natural selection :) So, the time came for me to buy my first car. I was only working part time at a pizza place so decided something small and cheap to run was the best course of action … that and I wasn’t allowed to buy anything older than I was (mums third law of rationalisation) I was heavily influenced by the Ford culture that was passed down from my Dad so my first car was …… drum roll please …… a 1983 Ford KB Laser Ghia a 1.5L 4cyl automatic . I smashed and repaired this car three times before realising that Ford made a c*** 4 cylinder hatch and I needed to go faster which is why my next car was a 5 speed manual 1993 Nissan Pulsar LX. I wanted the SSS 2.0L turbo model yet they were too far out of my price range. I hit my 20′s and I promised myself that I would by a hot rod to do up for my 21st birthday … well 22 rolled around and I got my chance, in the local paper was listed a 1954 Dodge (read the full story in “About my Dodge”). I began understanding more about cars and engine sizes and what a turbo/supercharger did and what got you more horse power…. unfortunately for me I had been assimilated by my Jap-crap loving friends and was well on my way to importing my third car, a 1989 Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo. It was a step back a few years yet this thing went like a scalded cat …. it was sleek, fast and slotted me right in with the “in crowd”. The 300zx was great … but something was missing something felt empty. My love for classic cars had always been there spurred on by stories of my Pops E38 VH R/T Valiant Charger (bought new, sold with matching numbers). The purchase of my Dodge was a monumental step in defining my personality. A culmination of my love for classic cars and a clear defection from the Hiroshima screamers, their turbos and their “no room to swing a cat” engine bays…. I needed to get back to bare bones. I sold my 300zx to back a deposit on a house, with the change I bought a 95 Subaru Liberty… nothing special, just something to get me from A-B. I have my House….. it has a BIG SHED.
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