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Sports Sedan

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Published on 04 September 2018

Years ago I did more work on race cars than I do now and I did this one at home well some of it. The only origonal thing on the car is the roof and the window openings. Not much SAAB left. The motor is of the Chevrolet variety and the motor sits quite far back into the car to get better weight distributon for the best handeling on the track possible.

I did all the development of the new body moulds and parts and the carbon fibre engine cover. The body was made stronger than some others out there and the owner thought it was a bit of overkill untill he was on the track. The body was able to take a few blows as well from other drivers. On one occasion the car was hit in the rear with little to no damage by a guy driving a torana. The torana came off worse for ware bouncing off and crashing. The body work on the car I built got him the championship for that year. Some other car that was racing that year had the light weight version of body work and I am not sure how many laps the car did before all the body work blew off down the main straight. A bit of an embarresment you would have to say.


Prototypes Plus Engineering Pty Ltd.

factory 4 / 22-24 Tova Dive Carrum Downs Vic 3201.

03 9775 0566