I had been eyeing of a Toyota sera most of my life and I searched and searched but I only could ever find ones over seas untill recently when a guy from Gladstone was selling one I jumped right on it and took the treck upto veiw it it was in ok condition a bit rough around the edges but it Hade a solid base and great potential. The owner Hade driven down from Gladstone to meet me at Rosemont and at Gympie the ingition lead melted in the distribution cap causing the engine to misfire lucky he incurred the problem out side a super cheap but they didn't have the right leads so we had to juncky one of the other leads to finish the trip it still Hade the odd misfire but ran smooth enough to get me home I since have replaced the ignition assembly and now she purrs like a kitten. There's still work to be done inside and a few little fix's in the engine but I wouldn't have it any other way
Stiffened suspension and lowered slightly on coil overs
After market radio unit