Bought in March 1996, left hand drive from California. very run down and painted flat black.
Self built, ground up restoration with bare metal respray painted in it's original Teal Blue colour. Completed in Aug. 1997
New interior trim and Hood
Motor was rebuilt prior to buying as was the gearbox and had the diff rebuilt in late 1997.
Have since rebuilt complete braking system with all new parts and replaced the four original 20 year old tyres with new ones, plus a new indicator switch assembly.
My B is still running well with now 26,000 ml (41,843 km) on the clock as of June 2020
Re built to standard English specifications. Removing side lights and changing a tree wiper system to two. Manufactured a timber Dashboard to fit an original metal glove box lid then produced a fibreglass mould for the finished dashboard.
Replaced Rostyle wheels with Mini-light mags. H4 head lights
Built the sports steering wheel.